Our Commitment to Accessibility
Houston in Action is committed to providing members with access to our resources and services, and is always looking to expand our accessibility practices to be as inclusive and equitable as possible. A few actions that we’ve taken to increase accessibility include:
Hosting required workshops and meetings in a hybrid format, so that folks who cannot drive, are immunocompromised, or are otherwise unable to attend in person can still participate;
Ensuring that language justice is implemented by hiring professional, community-embedded translators and interpreters in languages such as Spanish, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and Vietnamese;
Translating our resources into multiple languages, such as the languages mentioned above as well as Farsi, Arabic, and Urdu;
Choosing in-person venues with accessible parking, seating, elevators, and doorways;
Catering food from restaurants that consider the dietary needs of attendees, such as Halal and Kosher meals;
Enabling closed captioning for virtual meetings and virtual attendees;
Starting each gathering with our Working Principles, Community Agreements, and an explanation on how pronouns are important to respect;
And more.
If you have any suggestions on how Houston in Action can better practice accessibility in our work and network, please contact us at comms@houstoninaction.org and laila@houstoninaction.org.