2022 Trainings
View our 2022 Training Series below!
These trainings cover anything from social media to data systems and field practices.
Election Planning Series
Field Practices 101
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 10:00 AM - 12 PM
Presented by the reimagine collectiveLearn how to create integrated voter engagement plans, the ins and outs of voter registration and education, and how to build your digital list.
Field Practices 201
Presented by the reimagine collectiveIn this training we will go deeper into building stronger relationships with communities on the ground. We’ll touch on creative tactics such as storytelling, building empathy maps and strategy charts for voter engagement and voter mobilization, which you will connect to digital base building and ladders of engagement.
Election Planning and Forecasting
TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2 - 4 PM
This training is an opportunity for organizations that have been funded to do voter engagement to get up-to-speed on election data. We will review key performance indicators, look at community data to guide group goals, and review data submission systems.
Voter Protection
Presented by the reimagine collectiveLearn what lessons we can take away from the 2020 general election. We will dig into scenario planning, looking at what tools are available to your organizers, and how to equip the community with best practices. We will also look at potential threats to Texas voters, assess how we should use Vote-by-Mail and how to help folks track their vote.
MiniVan and Events Management Systems Training
MONDAY, JULY 25, 4 – 6 PM
Join Houston in Action and Texas Toolbelt to learn how to use MiniVan and manage your events!
Learn How to Use Thru Talk and Thru Text
This training session will be led by Houston in Action and Texas Toolbelt. Attendees will learn how to use Thru Talk and Thru Text tools for their phone banking and text banking efforts.
Narrative Strategy
Narrative Strategy: What is it, how does it work, and why does it matter?
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 3 - 4:30 PM
Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of how public narratives are formed, how they work, and how those working for social change can influence narratives that support a vision for a just world. Following the completion of this training, participating organizations will be invited to join a Houston in Action network-wide Narrative Working Group.
Digital Communications Series
Building Community Digitally 101
WEDNESDAY, June 8, 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Attendees will be introduced to social media communications as a tool for engaging with and building community online. The session will include activities for those looking to establish their presence online.
Building Community Digitally 201: Relationships and Building the Funnel
THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 3:30 - 5 PM
Attendees will leave with specific tools and actions to use in their digital organizing and broaden relationships among their base. The session will end with planning a “funnel” or "ladder of engagement" two-week digital plan for an event.
Building Community Digitally 301: Content Strategy, Planning, and Coverage
THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 3:30 - 5 PM
Attendees will learn about finding their distinctive voice online, as well as the ins and outs of creating content efficiently, quickly, and meaningfully. The session will end with learning how to plan a week of content together.
Campaign Media Series
Find Your Folks: Campaign Media Planning & Audience
THURSDAY, JULY 7, 3:30 - 5 PM
Attendees will learn to identify key audiences, how and when to reach them, and how to use this as a starting point for building a communications plan specific to their campaigns to maximize impact and effectively define strategies and tactics. Attendees will leave with a template communications plan outline and questions to help identify key audiences.
Get Their Attention: Campaign Media Relations 101
THURSDAY, JULY 14, 4:15 - 5:15 PM
Attendees will learn about communications tactics and tools for building media relationships. Attendees will leave with template communications materials and resources for media list development.
Get Their Attention: Campaign Media Relations 201
THURSDAY, JULY 21, 3:30 - 5 PM
Attendees will learn the differences between Opinion Editorial (Op-Ed) submissions and Letters to the Editor, how to use them, how and where to submit them, and how to plan and write successful Op-Eds. Session will include a practice workshop and breakout sessions.
Interviews and Pivoting Workshop: Pivoting tactics and taking on tough interviews
THURSDAY, JULY 28, 3:30 - 5 PM
Attendees will practice pivoting during interviews and leave with working materials to prepare and support them in high-intensity interview conditions. This session is good for those looking to hone their interview skills and prepare for potentially difficult interviews, whether in-person, live, on- or off- camera, or virtual.
We have recordings for our Fundamentals of Organizing Series and other recent trainings available for you to review on our website. You can find links to these trainings below:
We have links to recorded trainings covering a number of digital tools on our Member Resources page.