Connecting communities, strategies, and resources to build power and create change.

No matter who you are, you should have the same opportunity as anyone else to influence the public systems and structures that are meant to serve us.

Houston in Action and its member organizations share in the work to break-down barriers to your participation. Across our member network, Black, Latinx, and Asian American and Pacific Islander Houstonians, women, young people, and low-income folks are working toward change in their communities. We coordinate, train, and resource community organizers, communicators, and advocates in service of that change, and toward a collective vision for a better Houston for all of us.


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What we do


Houston in Action is the collective power of people, our partners, and Houston in Action member organizations, across the greater Houston area. The Houston in Action staff serve as conveners of oftentimes disparate entities across government and health sectors, private philanthropy, community-based organizations, including our member organizations, around initiatives affecting large portions of the Houston region, particularly communities of color, low-income residents, and young people.

Current Work

Community Organizing

Houston in Action is grounded by our three organizing cohorts. Throughout our work, we’ve centered Black, Latinx and AAPI leaders, community expertise, policy insight, and communications strategy to come together, build power, and grow stronger.


Voter Engagement

The Grow the Circle campaign is powered by groups across the Houston region committed to reaching new, existing, and low to mid propensity voters from historically excluded communities.


Our Current Campaigns

We’re organizing collectives to advocate for marginalized communities, whether that be inspiring voter engagement, pushing for a more just and equitable criminal legal system, or protecting Texans’ right to vote safely.

Press Releases

  • Over 20 Organizations Send Letter of Requests to Harris County Officials in Response to Election Challenges

    March 21, 2022

  • Houston in Action Responds to Primary Day Confusion & Rejected Ballots

    March 1, 2022

  • Over 20 Organizations Send Letter of Requests to Harris County Officials in Response to Election Challenges

    February 7, 2022